Wednesday, 14 May 2008

The Science Of Getting Rich (Chapter 2 Discussion)

Chapter 2: There is a Science of Getting rich.

"There is a Science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like
algebra or arithmetic."
Wallace D Wattles
Grant Says:

This exact science is what Wattles calls "The certain way".

Wallace continues in this chapter to allow us to observe our own preconceptions and beliefs surrounding wealth and possibility. There are so many psychologies surrounding wealth, and we are all so quick to blame our environment for our current circumstances that it can be good to be shown direct examples of where we are misleading ourselves at times. Our minds will always try to justify what it considers to be "impossible" from it's limited viewpoint - you can command the mind to discover more opportunity or allow it to convince you of your limited potential. Ultimately you want to move to a position of knowing your abundance and true nature so completely that you no longer need examples to feed your sense of opportunity:

You Develop the no excuses mindset.

"No one is prevented from getting rich by lack of capital. True, as
you get capital the increase becomes more easy and rapid; but one
who has capital is already rich, and does not need to consider how
to become so. "
Wallace D Wattles

Again Wattles continues the empowering thread that we have the ability to choose regardless of circumstances. The premise of "not enough" or "lack" is simply that: a premise or a perspective.
It's nothing more than a psychology that we've bought into and if you convince yourself that you can't do it, then guess what? You won't be able to do it. But if you take a few steps higher up the mountain, you never know how expansive and beautiful that view point will be. You have the power to focus on what you want to achieve and make choices in that direction while uncover your wealth piece by piece, step by step, choice by choice...

sure it may take a little time, but so does sitting on your ass complaining; It's a lot more fun to spend your time building a rich mind.

"If you have no capital,
you can get capital; if you are in the wrong business, you can get
into the right business; if you are in the wrong location, you can go
to the right location"
Wallace D Wattles

But I can't...but....but...but....No Buts!

Wallace is empowering us all in this SOGR chapter to recognize our ability to choose freely with a sense of infinite opportunity aka "The Certain Way". When we make the choices required to move us in the direction we want to go, despite the fear and doubt that may come up, we begin a journey of discovery. The "Certain Way" Wallace D Wattles refers to is an aspect of universal law that encompasses your true nature in a supportive world of infinite opportunity. The only place lack of any kind exists is within your mind. There isn't really any lack in the universe; they're is only your creation of lack through perception.

"while those who do
not do things in the Certain Way, no matter how hard they work
or how able they are, remain poor."
Wallace D Wattles

If we continue to struggle against the universe and allow false perceptions to limit our possibility in life then we will achieve nothing but tiredness and poverty. Don't allow yourself to fool yourself.

keep choosing guys; it's all a dream so you may as well make it a big one ;-)
Grant :)

Make Money with Science of Getting Rich Program

Let Go of Limiting Beliefs

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