Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Science of Getting Rich (Preface Discussion pt3)

"taking the statements upon faith, that you will prove
their truth by acting upon them without fear or hesitation."

“The Eternal News,” a very excellent pamphlet published by J.J.
Brown, 300 Cathcart Road, Govanhill, Glasgow, Scotland. He may
also find some help in a series of articles written by the author,

which were published in Nautilus (Holyoke, Mass.) during the spring
and summer of 1909, under the title “What is Truth?”

Wallace D Wattles
Grant Says:

This is the 3rd and final post on the preface of the science of getting rich. Much like pt 2 of the preface discussion, this was intended to shed more light on a few other people Wattles mentions in the SOGR preface, but I'm struggling to find any good information at the moment.

What I'll do is wrap up the discussion on the preface anyway and set us up to move onto chapter 1. Wallace D Wattles offers you the opportunity to delve further into the conclusions and scientific method he offers, but he chooses to focus on the mission at hand. - the certain way is about focus and certainty so it's no surprise that "The science of getting Rich" was written with the same certainty of purpose and laser focus.

Personally I encourage you to delve as deep as you feel you need to intellectually and this blog should serve as a focal point for further exploration into the principles behind SOGR, however, the real truth is found within you, your ability to attract wealth is a reflection of what's inside of you, your thoughts, the quality and effectiveness of your consciousness, is revealed to you through observation as you courageously explore the principles you want to integrate and live by.
speak soon guys,

"failure is impossible"

Keep choosing!
Grant :)

Make Money with Science of Getting Rich Program

Let Go of Limiting Beliefs

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